Saturday, October 1, 2016

Learning Freehand Airbrushing

Been learning freehand airbrushing over the last few months.  Have many more to go, as it is very much like learning to play the guitar, where you have to commit actions to muscle memory to be able to achieve what you want.  Here are some samples of our original Megacurve music, if your interested.  Usually listening to music while I practice.  Dagger lines, dots, lines and all those basic things are far from easy, even if using stencils and masking is.

So what can you do with it?   Custom T-Shirts using Createx Airbrush Color...

You spend almost as much time cleaning the airbrush as you do practicing.  And as we are using Createx paint, we have to thin it to not clog and working how much to thin with what affect also takes time.

Over 12 months ago we did a series of watercolors, but the reality of that is, that was very much like the illustration work I already do.

Airbrush isn't, even though I do a lot of airbrush in Photoshop, it is not the same and not as critical to do as the real thing.

And you have Undo with Photoshop and the airbrush will not spit if the nozzle gets blocked!

We can be contact at Art & Technology